Version 2.0.5 Requires jEdit 4.3pre7, Java 1.5, ErrorList 1.4, SideKick 0.6.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
XML plugin now includes EcmascriptSideKick (initial release) and a new CSS2SideKick, both based on javacc parsers. The HtmlSideKick now uses both the CSS2SideKick and the EcmascriptSideKick to parse in-line <style> and <script> blocks in html code.
Bugfix to get highlighting to work with refactored classes in jEdit 4.3pre7. (1594103)
Fixes to HTML completion ( bug#1579232)
Version 2.0.3 Requires jEdit 4.3pre5, Java 1.5, ErrorList 1.4, SideKick 0.6.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Fixed bug with error messages from files in samba shares.
Merged XmlIndenter plugin with XML plugin.
Version 2.0 Requires jEdit 4.3pre5, Java 1.5, ErrorList 1.4, SideKick 0.6.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
XML plugin now includes HtmlSideKick 0.5, JavaScriptSideKick 0.4, and CssSideKick (initial release).
Version 1.0 Requires jEdit 4.3pre5, Java 1.4, ErrorList 1.4, SideKick 0.6.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Match tag also matches brackets. (ezust)
Added separate caching option for CatalogManager, clarified some of the options. (ezust)
Error messages from files in the catalog manager are now being reported from the correct local pathname. (ezust)
Added option to popup (or not) edit tag dialog after completion. (ezust)
Bug # 1511997 - Abstract elements defined in xsd (e.g. list.class, para.class from docbook xsd) are now handled properly in completions and element lists. (ezust)
Patch # 1511588 - Fixed xml insert (will69/ezust).
XSD completion info fixes #1511612 (will69)
Removed registration of SAXParserFactory. This should help avoid clashing with other plugins that use SAXParserFactory.
Removed use of gnu.regexp in favor of java.util.regex. (ezust)
Version 0.18 Requires jedit 4.3pre3, Java 1.4, ErrorList 1.3.1, SideKick 0.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Debugged goto matching tag action. Deselects current selection before doing its thing. (Alan Ezust)
Some refactoring to help HtmlSideKick with completion. (Alan Ezust)
Version 0.17 Requires jedit 4.3pre3, Java 1.4, ErrorList 1.3.1, SideKick 0.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Attribute completion works now. (Alan Ezust)
Version 0.16 Requires jedit 4.3pre3, Java 1.4, ErrorList 1.3.1, SideKick 0.3 and XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Generates ant completion xml as part of build process
Removed Xerces from this plugin and added a dependency on XercesPlugin 2.8.0.
Removed htmlparser from this plugin, since the HtmlSideKick does a better job of parsing HTML.
Version 0.15 Patched for jEdit43pre2, still requires ErrorList plugin 1.3.1, SideKick 0.3 and Xerces 2.6 or later.
Tested with Xerces 2.7.1
Version 0.14 requires jEdit 4.2pre9, SideKick plugin 0.3, and ErrorList plugin 1.3.1.
The XML Insert window does not let you insert tags in the middle of existing tags (Jason Rosenberg).
XML:FO completion (Lars Trieloff).
Updated to Xerces 2.6.2.
Version 0.13 requires jEdit 4.2pre5, SideKick plugin 0.3, and ErrorList plugin 1.3.1.
We now use the HTML parser from instead of the extremely moronic Swing HTML parser (Will Sargent).
JHTML completion (Will Sargent).
The element completion code now tries to preserve case when editing HTML files.
Changing a catalog from within jEdit will automatically reload it.
Validation was only working for schemas, not DTDs.
Fixed NullPointerException when closing Plugin Options dialog box.
Macros can now be recorded while the XML plugin's completion features are enabled.
Updated Ant build.xml completion to match ANt 1.6 beta 2.
Now includes DocBook V4.2 XML DTD.
Version 0.12 requires jEdit 4.2pre3, SideKick plugin 0.3, and ErrorList plugin 1.3.
Updated for jEdit 4.2 plugin API.
Updated to use SideKick 0.3 code completion improvements.
Includes the new Apache XML commons catalog resolver code instead of the outdated com.arbortext.catalog package. This brings improved support for OASIS and XML catalogs.
Now uses jEdit 4.2 structure matching API to paint tag highlight, so you will see a tag scope indicator in the gutter just like with brackets.
Version 0.11.1 requires jEdit 4.1pre11, SideKick plugin 0.2, and ErrorList plugin 1.2.
Fatal errors now stop parsing. This fixes an infinite loop with a malformed DTD.
Validation would still be performed, even if the option was switched off.
Fixed a problem where the structure tree would be empty on Windows.
Added an option to insert a space before the "/>" in stand-alone tags. In other words, instead of completing like so:
<xref linkend="foo"/>
You get this:
<xref linkend="foo" />
XML Insert window was rather counter-intuitive with regards to inserting closing tags. Now it always inserts a closing tag, no matter what.
Version 0.11 requires jEdit 4.1pre11, SideKick plugin 0.1, and ErrorList plugin 1.2.
The XML plugin now relies on the new SideKick plugin to present the structure view. The main user-visible change is that a number of commands have moved to the SideKick plugin, which is now a required dependency. Other plugins can make use of SideKick to present a structure tree along and code completion popups.
Improved handling of external entities; if an external entity is opened in a buffer, the contents of the buffer are parsed instead of the entity file on disk.
Also, external entities can specify an xml.root buffer-local property pointing to the top-level file that includes them; this causes the parser to always parse the top-level file (which eventually parses the entity), instead of the entity itself. This allows code completion and validation to be performed using the <!DOCTYPE> specified in the top-level file.
Schema completion popups now only show the elements that can be inserted at the caret position.
Schema completion with namespaces did not always work.
Schema completion lists did not contain elements declared inside complex types.
Schemas containing <xsd:import> should be handled better.
If completion popups were disabled, the plugin would beep when < or & was pressed, very annoying.
The option to insert a closing tag as soon as an opening tag was typed was broken.
Attempting to fix problem with some JVMs where a Backspace in the completion popup would delete two characters.
Fixed stack overflow with some XML schemas (like DocBook).
Clear DTD Cache command now named Clear Resource Cache. It deletes downloaded files now, instead of just removing references to them from the cache map.
Closing the Global Options dialog box with an XML file open would cause problems with the resource cache.
XHTML files could be mis-detected as HTML, instead of XML.
Xerces 2.3.0 now included.