Highlight Version 2.4 (April 21, 2021)
Matthieu Casanova <chocolat.mou@gmail.com> 

This plugin is a very simple plugin that will highlight a word you selected. I found this in Intellij Idea and loved this feature so I added it here.

Highlight Usage

There are severals methods to add highlights : the first one is the old one, you select a word, call highlight and the highlight appears. The second one is a dialog that will allow you to create regexp, choose color ... You can also highlight the last searched word

You can have multiple highlights at the same time, choose colors and use regexp.

You can toggle all highlights on or off, or toggle only the highlights you want.

And there is also a panel to manage your highlights (it is the only way to remove only of them).

Scope :
Now the highlights have a scope. The default scope is PERMANENT. The new scopes are SESSION (this scope works like permanent scope but will not be saved when closing jEdit. The last is the BUFFER scope. It will be activated only in the buffer where it was created.



Please report bugs to the bug jEdit's plugin tracker on sourceforge.net