Under most circumstances, jEdit plugins do not need to be downloaded and installed manually. Usually, you can add, update, and remove plugins from a working installation of jEdit by using the bundled Plugin Manager. It can be accessed from jEdit's Plugins->Plugin Manager menu. If you would like to find out how to install plugins manually, please see the plugin installation instructions.
Recently Updated Plugins
To see a list of the most recent updates to Plugin Central, including a list of changes for the releases in each batch, please see the Recently Updated Plugins page.
Unless otherwise stated in a plugin's binary package, each of the plugins made available on this site (or through jEdit's Plugin Manager) is licensed for use and redistribution under the terms of the GNU General Public License (either version 2 or any later version, as the user chooses). Be aware that some plugins are also distributed with third-party code that is made available under a GPL-compatible license, not necessarily the GPL.
Releasing Plugins
If you have written a plugin for jEdit and would like to get it included in the repository, please see the requirements pages for Building and Releasing plugins to Plugin Central.
Packaging Plugins
The "pjo" project contains scripts and documentation for packaging and releasing jedit and its plugins. Packaging Plugins with PJO.