
Recently Updated Plugins

Plugins updated: 4-October-12
FileSync 1.0:  Initial Release
JavaSideKick 3.1.5:  BugFixes in JavaSidekick and Property Sidekick.
JDiffPlugin 3.3.0:  Mostly a release to support the latest svn plugin release. - automatically expand folds since JDiff doesn't work well with folded files. - fix for bug 1542027 - only show the message if ther is a message to show, yeah, that's annoying. - fix for tracker 2463098, account for extra vertical line space in highlighting and local overview. - french translation, thanks jojoba_67! - react to buffer update messages - avoid index out of bounds exceptions
SVNPlugin 1.7.5:  Updated to support SVN 1.7 plus bug fixes. - removed redundant import filter. (Alan Ezust) - added French language translation to user interface. (jojaba_67) - fixed merging so it works again. - replaced common controls swing worker with Java 1.6 swing worker. - replaced common controls tabbed panel with JTabbedPane. - updated thread handling for messages to prevent UI lockup. - eliminate duplicate entries in "add" dialog/display. - performance improvements for getting svn status to ProjectViewer.
Plugins updated: 28-August-12
EditorConfig 0.3.1:  A new plugin.
Plugins updated: 5-July-12
BufferList 1.4:  Bugfix Release #3530560: BufferList not BufferSet-aware -Alan Ezust Fixed #3307762: Right click close on directory nodes. Patch# 3536753 - Patric Bechtel. Compress paths with Miscutilities.abbreviate() - Alan Ezust. #1103435 Fixed inconsistent drive letter handling - Matthieu Casanova
Console 5.0:  Version 5.0 Requires jEdit 5.0pre1, Java 1.6, ErrorList 2.0, and ProjectViewer 3.4.2 (optional). [Artem Bryantsev] ANSI escape code parser for Console plugin (FR #2510255). #3530817 - Console wrong LF after running a command to buffer (Windows). [Damien Radtke] #2194479 - Fixed NPE when running detached processes that print to stderr. [Alan Ezust] #3536039: Console no longer displays same errors in all views
ErrorList 2.0:  o Uses jEdit 5's FileOpenerService for filenames when no full path is supplied to the DefaultError. (#3481157 - Alan Ezust) o New API for specifying the View of an ErrorSource. (#2106739 - Alan Ezust) o Fixed a deadlock and concurrency issues. (#3526070, #3530999 Jarek Czekalski) o Fixed errors appearing twice at first time. (#3028049 Jarek Czekalski)
FastOpen 2.5:  Offers a jEdit 5 FileOpenerService [#3481157 - Alan Ezust] FastOpen now uses the View TextArea's Background color for its Text Field's Background. Helps in case custom themes are used. [Jiger Patel] FastOpen now supports differential colours for File Names and Paths in the Search Results. The Colour to use for the path is configurable via FastOpen options. (Dont forget to do a ReIndex after changing path colors) [Jiger Patel] Alternative rows can be highlighted(zebra style) in the Search Results. Ofcourse it can be configured to be switched on/off via Options. [Jiger Patel] Support for CamelCase Search. For example simply type First Letter of Uppercase Filename to search. [Jiger Patel] Fixed Bug - FastOpen jump to line number only works on loaded buffers. (Bug #3517260) [Jiger Patel]
SideKick 1.4:  Fixed #2311948, auto-displayed ErrorList kills CompletionPopup (Jarek Czekalski) Fixed #3536025, Sidekick displays same errors in all views (XML plugin) (Alan Ezust) Fixed #3480846, Sidekick doesn't remember my parser (Jarek Czekalski)
Plugins updated: 31-May-12
Highlight 1.9.10:  -Fixed NPE during initialization if highlight overview is disabled (#3509281) -The plugin will no longer switch to defer mode (#3522011) -Fix color highlight when using softwrap (patch #3521997)
QuickNotepad 5.0:  Changes for the jEdit 5.0 API Now that jEdit supports localization, we have a file for the French language. files can be added to each plugin for other support in other languages.
XML 2.8.3-jedit-4.5:  This release provides support for HTML5, CSS3 and Docbook 5
XML 2.8.3-jedit-5.0:  This release provides support for HTML5, CSS3 and Docbook 5

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