
Recently Updated Plugins

Plugins updated: 10-March-12
CtagsInterface 2.2:  Updated for jEdit 4.5. Bugfix release.
Highlight 1.9.9:  -When highlighting current word, the word under the caret is not filled with color but has only a square around it to help readability -Added an option to choose if highlight overview should use the same highlight color as the highlight or another color -When highlight overview is active, the number of lines containing the word will be shown in the status bar
Plugins updated: 9-March-12
BufferTabs 1.2.3:  Updated for jEdit 4.5 Automatically disables the built-in buffer Selector when plugin is loaded. BufferTabs default location changed to top. Enabled by default.
Plugins updated: 8-February-12
CharacterMap 1.3.3:  More Character type colors. Color options. Bugfixes: Layout for second floating window. Names of numbered chars. Unassigned chars. Super char position.
ClearCasePlugin 0.28:  Updated for current console/jedit APIs.
InfoViewer 1.6.1:  New option to restore previous page instead of showing home page on startup. (Ezust) Fixed disappearing sidebar in HelpInfoViewer when used as a HelpViewer replacement. (Ezust) Bug 1542027 fixed (Ezust) Got rid of netscape stuff (comment from #3462283)
RhinoPlugin 1.7R3:  Initial Release: Includes Rhino 1.7R3 library
Sessions 1.5.1:  Fixes bug #2872914, Unicode file names interpreted incorrectly.
WhiteSpace 1.0.2:  A new dialog window with WhiteSpace buffer options, duplicating plugin menu checkboxes, patch #3433672 (Jarek Czekalski) Bug #1542027 fixed: OptionPanes were returning invalid names (Alan Ezust)
Plugins updated: 7-February-12
AntFarm 1.8.2:  -Fix compatibility with jEdit 4.5
AntPlugin 1.8.2:  -Ant 1.8.2 integration
PHPParser 2.0.0:  -Added support for goto with code analysis -Fixed a bug in list() parsing -Fixed code analysis of list() declarations -Added php function definitions (#1940034) -Fixed Constant are type UNKNOWN by default and not String -Fixed use namespace syntax when declaring multiple namespaces (#3428773) -Fixed an exception in catch clauses -Fixed use of namespace syntax in some expressions (#3435702, #3469455, #3471383, #3471497, #3473467)</li> -Fixed jEdit that doesn't remember the PHPParser option pane
SynchroScroll 1.0:  Initial Release

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