Recently Updated Plugins
Plugins updated:
5-December-11 |
CtagsSideKick 1.5: Updates for using with jEdit 4.5 |
Highlight 1.9.8: -Fixed a regression preventing from adding new highlights |
MyDoggyPlugin 0.3: Small bug fixes |
SmartOpen 1.0.0: Initial release |
Plugins updated:
2-December-11 |
Optional 1.0.3: scrollbars |
Templates 4.1.2: Fixed option pane broken with jEdit 5.0 |
Plugins updated:
29-November-11 |
BufferTabs 1.2.2: This version adds an option to use a scrollable row of tabs rather than splitting the tabs into multiple rows. |
CommonControls 1.4: Added VFSPathFileList class, a list that you can use in plugin options to select some path list.
Enhanced itemfinder api |
TaskList 2.4: Bug fix release. |
Plugins updated:
28-November-11 |
Completion 0.3: Added support for an optional description panel to the left of the popup window. Completion candidates can add a longer description. |
FastOpen 2.4: Fix compatibility with jEdit 4.5 |
FirstMate 0.3.2: First release on plugin central repository |
Highlight 1.9.7: -Fixed jEdit not remembering when the Highlight option pane was last selected
-Fixed Highlight overview not updated when there is no word to highlight
-Highlight overview now use the color of the current word highlight
-Highlight are now round rect making distinction between selection and highlight easier to see.
-Highlight colors are now underlined instead of filled rectangle |
SuperAbbrevs 1.0: Fixed compatibility with latest jEdit api. |