Recently Updated Plugins
Plugins updated:
27-March-13 |
CscopeFinder 0.6: - applied patch 3025115: Fix escape behavior in pop-up chooser (yohannmartineau) |
FastOpen 2.5.1: FR #3580223: If the thing to search for has a file separator character, search full path instead of just filename. |
Plugins updated:
26-March-13 |
Console 5.1.1: Bugfix release
[Alan Ezust]
#3589470 Revisited: Brought back old "generic" error pattern, and added gcc pattern.
Fix #3605191: Exception after node selected on windows.
[Artem Bryantsev]
Remade ANSI escape code parser's options: migration from values based on String to ones based on int. |
FileSync 1.1: Added dependency on Jakarta Commons plugin to provide commons-io. |
JakartaCommons 0.8: Added commons-io-2.4.jar. |
PMDPlugin 5.0.2: - Updated to depend on the Jakarta Commons plugin, which provides commons-io. This fixes tracker 3608256, where checking all open buffers would
fail due to the missing commons-io jar file.
- Fix for tracker 3602659, the progress bar that is displayed in the jEdit status bar when checking all files in a directory or project was being
added at plugin startup and never being hidden. Now it is only displayed when PMD is actually checking files, and hides when it is done. |
SshConsole 1.0.6: <ul>
<li> Fix #3604654: NPE when changing to invalid folder. </li>
<li> Fix #3604790: Initial connect when opening a project </li>
</ul> |
Plugins updated:
18-March-13 |
EditorConfig 0.4.0: Update the core library to 0.11.0 (which now supports brace glob matching) |
Plugins updated:
11-March-13 |
MacroManager 1.3.1: Bugfix release. |
ProjectViewer 3.5.1: Bugfix release.
- Fixed 3603729: Compact Tree broken
- Fixed 3604239: Add files broken |