
Recently Updated Plugins

Plugins updated: 26-February-13
Highlight 1.9.11:  -Fixed word at caret and selection highlight not highlighted immediately when activating the option (#3574730)
InfoViewer 1.6.2:  Localization for French and German.
Plugins updated: 9-February-13
Console 5.1:  [Artem Bryantsev] FR #3472822 - Console + Task Monitor Long-term processes (commands run from System shell) are implemented as Tasks. Those marked with '&' are background processes, those marked with '#' have a closed input channel. Remade data handling subsystem: + added three new data handlers: * SimpleOutputStreamTask - public basic class class to handle the data from running process * ParsingOutputStreamTask - descendant of SimpleOutputStreamTask, which outputs using error and ANSI escape parser * SimpleInputStreamTask - public basic class to handle the data from user + modified OutputStreamTask, InputStreamTask, ErrorStreamTask and ConsoleProcessTask with the new data handlers #3566268 - Console: completion fails after long console output. [Alan Ezust] Observe jEdit's general option "Check for changed files" and check after command executions too. #3558537 - restore values from properties destroys user custom error patterns. Fixed incompatibility with SshConsole/ErrorList integration introduced in Console 4.5 (incorrect error paths - failed to open the correct remote files from ErrorList) New APIs: Console.shellForVFS(), Console.chDir(), Shell.chDir(), Shell.handlesVFS(). Refactored chdir code. New project option: Shell to use for executing build/run project commands.
FTP 1.0.3:  Fix #2873889: Hypersearch over SFTP leaks connections.
SshConsole 1.0.5:  <ul> <li> Parses Vt100 colors (Artem Bryantsev) </li> <li> Now responds to "chdir to projectviewer root" action from Console. </li> <li> Refactored to use Console 5.1 handlesVFS/chDir API. </li> <li> German Localization (rschwenn) </li> <li> Displays open connections as long-running tasks in task monitor </li> <li> Fix #2873889: Stop leaking connections and properly close them. </li> <li> Enable x11 forwarding </li> </ul>
Plugins updated: 6-February-13
ImageViewer 1.3:  Some updates -- - added rotate buttons, nice for images that were taken with the camera rotated. - added French translations (jojoba_67) - auto-resize large images to fit in imageviewer. This makes it a lot easier to see large images with out having to manually zoom.
ProjectViewer 3.5.0:  Bug fixes and enhancements. - Performance improvements in tree painting. (daleanson) - Fixed bug where files with spaces were not opened property on a non-windows platform. (ezust) - Fixed focus when opening a group. (ezust) - Persist vcs state with project. This improves PV start up time. (daleanson) - Use/store import settings per project. (daleanson) - Allow file and directory includes/exclues per project in addition to filter. (daleanson) - German localization. (rschwenn) - Fixed a number of possible null pointer exceptions (daleanson) - Added background update of vcs status. (daleanson) - Fix for tracker 3600852, don't allow sibling group with same name. (daleanson) - Performance improvements for vcs status. This is significantly faster now. (daleanson) - Added command to update the vcs status. (daleanson) - Update messaging for inter-plugin messages. (ezust)
Plugins updated: 18-January-13
PatchfileSideKick 1.0:  Initial Release
PMDPlugin 5.0.1:  Upgrade and bug fixes: - upgraded to use PMD 5.0.1, which provides rules for checking java, jsp, jsf, ecmascript, and xml. - better integration with ErrorList. - removed language selector since it's no longer necessary. - added option to clear ErrorList on save. - better integration of PMD status bar with jEdit status bar.

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